Let me start by saying Happy New Year!


Yes, I know, the New Year started nine days ago.  Well, we have had a crazy time in 2013!  We have grown again and are offering even more services to our clients.

What have we done, you ask?

1. We added new staff.

2. We gained a ton of new clients.

3. We added phone system support and installation to our repertoire.

4. We picked up some great new product lines.

5. We are expecting a new child! (More of a personal thing than a business thing, but he may help run the company some day…)

6. We worked very hard with our fantastic clients and finished some amazing projects.

7. We kept ourselves up-to-date with the newest Apple Certifications.

8. A bunch of other things…


Seem a little vague?  You want more details?

Well stay tuned!  We will be working to keep you updated with our progress and keep getting you new tips, tricks, and tech tidbits in 2014!

Be sure to share this with your friends and colleagues!  They will thank you!


Thank you to all of our current clients and we can’t wait to meet our new clients!


The Infinite Simplicity Team